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Old 06-17-2004, 03:18 PM
50 Watt CAFz'r
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My name is Alan Robberstad
I am a Canadian.
One voter out of millions of Canadian voters.
Paul Martin is no friend of mine.
Liberal governments have not made my life any better.
Liberal governments have made the future worse for my children.

Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years ago.
Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister.....Paul Martin...LEST WE FORGET

Since 1993:
(1) My taxes have increased.
(2) My family's share of the national debt has increased.
(3) My personal expenses have increased.
(4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
(5) My concerns for my family's safety have increased.
(6) My costs to educate my children have increased.
(7) Government interference in my life has increased.
(8) My personal debt has increased.
(9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
(10) My savings have decreased.
(11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
(12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
(13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
(14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
(15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
(16) My hope that a Liberal won't waste my tax dollars has decreased.
(17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have disappeared.

That is my story since the Liberals came to power.
I am not voting for Paul Martin's Liberals.
I am voting against Paul Martin and his Liberal Party on June 28, 2004.

I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.
Do I like the Conservatives?
Not particularly......I don't really like Politics.
I am not political by nature.
I am not passionate about politics.
I am a middle age guy (48).
I live in a small house on a fairly quiet street in Edmonton.
I have a wife, Kathy, and two children (ages 19 and 17).
I have no pets.
I am a middle class man.
I don't usually say too much.

Until now.

Now I am going to say something!

In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
(1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(4) And now we are going to vote for Paul Martin???? - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec???

The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
(1) Not a lawyer.
(2) Not a multi-millionaire.
(3) Not from Quebec.

Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
(1) Reduce my taxes.
(2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
(3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

That's good enough for me.
I'm going to give the Conservative party a chance with my vote.

But wait!
Paul Martinis now saying the same thing.
My mother told me forty years ago:
"Fool me once - shame on you.
Fool me twice - shame on me!"

The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
Remember, Jean Chretien was Trudeau's Finance Minister.
Remember also, Paul Martin was Jean Chretien's Finance Minister These people have been raising my taxes for thirty four years.
They have been mis-spending my tax dollars for 34 years.

34 years!

And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending.
No way.

Thank you for reading my story so far!

Why am I telling my story to you?

Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone.
Your story may be similar to mine.
And you may also feel alone.
One small voter in the midst of millions of voters.

What can you and I do together to change things?

Here is my idea:
Lets you and I join up together.
Just you and I.
As a small team of two.

How can you and I fight a huge political machine?

You and I have two things that we can use:
(1) Our individual personal connections.
(2) The Internet.

The Internet is supposed to be this global zing tool, right?
Let's put it to use.

I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book.
I am sending this e-mail to each of them.

I'm asking you to do two things:
(1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
(2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party on June 28.

Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.

I have probably written this e-mail too late.
As I said I am not politically adroit.
I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976 movie "Network", when he shouted:
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!

As I type these last few words the voting begins in less than 18 days.
432 hours till voting begins.
I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.

This may not work.
This e-mail may "fizzle out" and go nowhere.
But you and I will have tried, won't we have?

My best wishes to you.
My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.

My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto
He actually wrote this just (5) days before the last federal election in 2000.
Fool me once - shame on you.
Fool me twice - shame on me!"
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Old 06-17-2004, 06:37 PM
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^^^ What he said. Martin's time is up and his quasi-socialist friends better start packing. Now harper just needs to air the stink of fraud out of 24 Sussex.
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Old 06-17-2004, 06:37 PM
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Thanks, I'll be voting liberal! Btw, I am serious. I'll vote for liberals a million times over before I put another party that allowed brian mulroney to power. If you want to talk about devistation,. talk about the last time the conservatives were in power.
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Old 06-17-2004, 06:53 PM
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If it wasn't for the 'quasi-socialists', we'd be just as well off as the US, huh....

then maybe half of the members of this board would be below the world poverty line just like half the children in the USA, which is the PC's model fotr all that is good in the world, apparently....

I hate politics, but a bad liberal gov't hurts the 'avergae person' far less than a good PC one.

oh yeah, the extra taxes, etc we may see with the liberals may seem awful, but try to remember that for every dollar the PC's promise to give you back, they take 10 dollars out of social programs to wit.
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Old 06-17-2004, 07:02 PM
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I don't like the years of mis-spending by the Liberals but I really don't trust Harper. I don't feel Layton would be a good PM either.

I will vote, as I always do, but I haven't decided for who yet. The debates are full of bickering over small issue's; Martin at Harper over abortion and Harper at Martin over the Olympic scandel.
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Old 06-17-2004, 08:53 PM
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whats sad is we dont have a candidate who can fix the problems created by past leadership, so its down to whos gonna F**K it up the least? martin is a tool "im the minister of finance, but i have no idea about the adscam or other irresponsible spending...." ignorance is bliss or what?? im tired of seeing my tax dollars pissed away on gun registries that dont work, nor do they solve/ prevent crimes, at the same time i dont think an americanized social system is good either, i dont think im overly taxed, so i dont much care about tax cuts (with the exception of the retarded system of taxing gasoline that is) i just want my hard earned tax dollars being used properly, no more of this "politicians have voted themselves another raise BS" i dont get to decide when i get a raise, i dont think any person should have that privilage. tax dollars should be spent on healthcare, infra structure, schools, and other social programs, hell lets see some money put into the military god knows its needed, the gun registry alone has cost roughly 5-700 per person in canada, if they arent gonna spend it properly give it back, i could certainly use that 500$ better then for knowing john smith who has an FAC and has a hunting rifle that he shoots 5 times a year, and has never so much as raise his voice to someone let alone gotten violent.... its very important i know hes got a gun......

so whos gonna run the country the least into the ground?
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Old 06-17-2004, 09:00 PM
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Although you make some valid points... (I am not saying that I am voting Liberal [img]tongue.gif[/img] ) The first point is not really a bad thing. Raising taxes is the reason that we are not running a deficit right now. Although it sucks to pay those taxes, basic economic principle shows that lowering taxes in an economy such as ours would make things much worse. Hell....look at the U.S.
The only things in life that are certain are Death and Taxes.
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Old 06-17-2004, 10:04 PM
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FurleyII for PM!!!!
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