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Old 12-30-2004, 05:46 PM
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you know... recently, 100,000 people are now dead in India, and other Asian, oceanic areas, due to the Tsunami. its funny how little talk that this horrific disaster gets. Few people even talk about this at all, despite of the severity of the situation. Yet when 9/11 happened, only 6,000 (or so..)people died, but since it happened in the US, it was a HUGE incident, that will NEVER be forgotten by any of us. you know, its interesting that if something doesn't happen to North America, nobody really cares. yeah, theres a few relief funds for the East Indian population, but we take such an un-emotional stance towards all this, since it honestly dosen't affect us in a major way. I think us as humans should sell out to make a difference, but the reason for this post.... is how? what can us as CCA do to help out those incredible people? I cried when I heard that that happened. I really did. Thats 100,000 dads, moms, sons and daughters that will never see the joy of tommorow. And the families that were affected, what can we do? were all awesome people,.... so I ask for your input.... please... lets all come up with something. Together, we can make a difference.
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Old 12-30-2004, 06:18 PM
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How LITTLE talk there is?

I don't know where you've been, but it's been on the frong page of all news papers in my city since it happened. Not to mention it's all they talk about on CNN.

Admintedly they don't talk about it as much as they did with the 9/11 incident, but what do you expect? It more has to do with proximity rather than whether or not people care.

It's only natural that you'll talk about things that are more relevant to you.

Besides.. the Tsunami thing is a natural disaster. The 9/11 thing was a terrorist act with MANY future implications. It was basically the trigger to a major global conflict.

I'm not saying it's right, but hardly surprising.
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Old 12-30-2004, 06:22 PM
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i too feel the same way as you, how things are over looked everyday in other countries. but did you ever stop to wonder if thats the way it is in other countries too? countries like germany and poland may not have had hardly any publicity of 9/11. who knows. im not trying to say that it is for sure that way, i dont know. but all im saying is maybe its not just canada/US that overlooks other countries problems.

edit: i dont mean canada and US do nothing to help other countries, they do a lot more to help other countries than most do.

[ December 30, 2004, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: coulter ]
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Old 12-30-2004, 06:52 PM
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Originally posted by Graham:
Thats 100,000 dads, moms, sons and daughters that will never see the joy of tommorow.
...and how many people, mostly children, die of starvation and disease every single day in third world countries? Something like 30,000. Not to belittle the disaster, but every three or four days that many people die.
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Old 12-30-2004, 10:00 PM
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yeah, its stomach-churning to really think about that.... all I know is Im willing to help... I dont know if there is anything thing else that I can do, but if there is any fundraising, or any ideas like that. Id be open to that
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Old 12-30-2004, 10:43 PM
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I'll tell ya what...When 9/11 happened it was reported on a ton here and prolly Canada since you guys are just North of us. You want to bet on how much they talked about it in India, Asia? Probably a bit... but, who's disaster do you think got talked about more in each country? Do you think they were talking about 9/11 or cared about it as much as we do for their disaster? I doubt it! Look at all the money the US and Canada has given. Do you think they'd have given that amount of money to you or us if something like this happened here? I doubt it!

It's not just the US. If terrorists did something like 9/11 to Canada or somewhere in Europe and the amount of people died that died in 9/11 trust me it'd be getting huge talk. It has nothing to do with being in America. When was the last time there was ever a terrorist attack as horrific as 9/11 that took so many lives and caused such a large amount of damage? There never was. That is why it get's talked about so much!

And besides we have huge news superstations over here that have nothing else to do besides sit around and report on such things all day. That is why it got such huge coverage. And what about 9/11 being talked about in Canada? It's not the United States' fault if it was talked about in Canada or other countries a ton!

It's funny that we are the first damn country that feels they need to give money or donate money when somethig happens. We donate a ton of money to other countries and help out when it is asked of us. I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about Ireland protesting against things we were doing and burning our American flag outside of US political buildings over there. We have given so much God Damn money to Ireland and they burn our flag and spit on us. Same thing with other countries. Our country is in huge debt... Yet we hand all this money off to other countries that hate us. And yet all countinue to hate us! It sure doesn't make sense to me...

And then I come onto this forum where I am friends with mostly everyone... But, every so often someone starts a thread like this making a stink over something that has to do with America... Like in this case saying that 9/11 got more attention than the flood. Well, if it did, that is not the fault of the US! How is the amount of media coverage our fault? And I have not seen an hour on the news or net go by when the Tsunami is not mentioned. So how you can say it's getting little media coverage is beyond me.

Do I agree with everything the US does? Hell no! I think Bush is a freakin' moron and I'd rather have a chimp running the Country... But, our Country sure takes it upon themselves to give money to every other country anytime they ask for it. And I'm not even talking about a disaster situation... If a country calls us and say "Hey we need 50 million dollars to help so and so" for some odd reason we hand it all over. Always... All you ever hear about is the damn money we think we need to give away to other countries yet we have a huge National debt ourselves...

Yes so continue to burn the Ameircan flag and talk bad about us... Because we are the most horrible, uncaring country in the world! [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img]

[img]graemlins/cf2.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/dunno.gif[/img]

[ December 30, 2004, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: MrEastSide ]
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Old 12-31-2004, 12:21 AM
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Not to start ****, but with all the U.S does war wise maybe people are seeing the U.S as trying to kiss *** by giving out all this money to make up for there "Unpopularity" trying win "votes" you could say? Like I sad just a suggestion/opinion nothing more! No offense is meant!.

[ December 31, 2004, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: ChizzerZ24 ]
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Old 12-31-2004, 12:56 AM
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the thing is if it doesnt happen to u then u dont really care.

when 9/11 happend it was a big thing over here, over there no one gave a flying ****. now shiit happened to them and its a huge thing but we dont care.

trust me, when 9/11 happend everyone in europe forgot about it like 2 days later. same thing wiht this tsunami, we mention it and after a short time we tend to forget it.

MrEastside chill out man, stop it with the money this money that. After starting the oil war and whiping out 3/4 of Iraq the LEAST usa can do is spare some change for the poor ppl of east asia.

u know for a fact u gave money to ireland? what was it for?

so u really think all these countries hate u for no reason? u really think so? USA is really good at giving ppl a reason to hate them, especially since bush became the president

[ December 31, 2004, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Father Yuli ]
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Old 12-31-2004, 01:07 AM
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OK, let's put it all into perspective...sad thing is most Americans believe their government when they are told of all the good things [img]graemlins/blah.gif[/img] their nation is supposedly doing to help those in need. Here is a summary of quotes from ordinary folks easily found if you type into google to search for who is providing what kind of relief to the tsunami victims.

Now also remember that the US has ten times as many people as Canada....Enjoy.

"$200 billion to kill 100,000 Iraqi's vs. 15 million, no wait, 35 million in tsunami aid. Aid needed to save hundreds of thousands from succumbing to disease and death from the after effects of this tragedy. There's a real disconnect here with the "culture of life"

Colin Powell has come out defending the US aid of $15 million. He touted the largesse this nation is built on and ESPECIALLY this administration, how charitable Bush has been on a global scale.

That's a whole nickel apiece!

(If you assume a U.S. population of 290,000,000.)
I suppose Shrub will use this as an excuse for another round of tax cuts, saying that people will give their tax cuts to the relief effort.

Seriously, $15 million? Is this a joke?

I dare anyone to even know where to begin in comparing the apples and oranges of compassion these immoral bastards possess that occupy OUR White House.

Bush's disaster in Iraq was easily preventable, while this natural disaster was not. The $200 Billion spent bombing and fighting in Iraq dwarfs the 15 or 20 million for disaster relief. The Bush madman has spent so much on war that there is not much left for aid- just another example of the twisted priorities of this sick madman and his crooked cronies.
A tsunami warning system could have saved thousands of lives, but of course this has no priority with the Bush Bombers even though Loch-Mart could build it.

The devastation from the tsunami hit the mostly the poor but the idle rich vacationers were also affected- this will be the disaster from the wing-nut perspective since they place little value on the lives of "others".

I don't get it , are they even aware of how little we are giving? We are paying $8M a MINUTE to fight the war in Iraq and we're not even spending twice that much on this.

As for the children, I read yesterday that children were running to the beach to watch the "big waves" before anyone realized it was the precursor to a tsunami. Why why why weren't people at least making phone calls to the local authorities? How hard is it to pick up the phone and say, "Hey, in about 2 hours there'll be a massive wave hitting your beach. Make sure people aren't standing on it." It makes me sick. The lost generation indeed.

So if we are spending $1 billion per week or $52 billion per year to devastate Iraq (these are low numbers), then the stingy Bushies are giving a big three hours of Iraq slaughter money for the relief effort. Here's a new slogan- Stop the slaughter for a day and send the $144 million for disaster relief, or for the bumper sticker:
Stop the Iraq war, aid the disaster victims

Just one more example of the Bush backwards budget. This is a man who is evil to the core, and he gets cover from the wing-nuts who believe his religious rantings, what a disaster for the world- Bush alone is worse than the biggest tsunami in recent history.

Your insistence that private generosity of Americans can in any way make up for the pittance the government has proposed as aid for the recovery after this weekend's horrendous tsunami is a sad testament to your lack of understanding of human nature.

You imply that individual Americans would not donate if they thought the government was going to give more. The stinginess of the government is not my motivation for giving, and it is unlikely to be the motivation for anyone else. Instead, the government stinginess is simply further proof that human life has no value in the eyes of the current administration and human suffering is not worthy of relief.

The amount of aid the administration has proposed would fuel a few hours (not days, weeks, or months, but hours) of the Iraq conflict. Even if we tripled it, we wouldn't divert so much as a day's worth of funds. The President's innauguration party will cost more than we're willing to pay to ease the suffering of millions devastated by a horror whose magnitude we can only begin to imagine.

What kind of message does that send to the world? If the president wanted to send a message of generoisty, he could pare his big party down to something simpler and send the remainder to help people in need. But, then again, it's not in his character, nor apparently yours, to "do for the least among us," as would befit a true Christian.

Now some Canadian Facts: [img]graemlins/cf2.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/cf2.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/cf2.gif[/img]

From Thursday's Globe and Mail

Related Stories
Tsunami toll tops 114,000
Ottawa — Ottawa announced it would contribute $40-million in aid to countries devastated by this week's catastrophic tsunamis as the global community stepped up efforts to cope with a death toll that threatened to hit 100,000.

By last evening, the world's 30 wealthiest nations had promised $280-million, although the United Nations is now suggesting the tab to help the region recover could run toward $10-billion to $15-billion. Aside from Canada, major donors include Spain at $60-million (U.S.), Australia at $10-million and the United States at $35-million.

TORONTO -- Ontario has pledged $5 million in aid and will send a top expert in forensic identification to the Asian region struggling to recover from a series of devastating tsunamis.
On Wednesday, the federal government committed another $36 million in aid to bring Ottawa's contribution to $40 million, while British Columbia pledged $8 million directly to the Canadian Red Cross.

Canada will also send a planeload of relief supplies to Indonesia, the nation hardest hit by the Dec. 26 earthquake and resulting tsunamis. A planeload was sent to Sri Lanka on Tuesday.

But a grassroots organization aiming to raise a million dollars across Canada for relief efforts in the region is urging the federal government to provide more money and assistance.

Members of the South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund in Toronto say the $40 million committed by the federal government is simply not enough.

"The enormity of the situation that we have seen on the television belies the amount of money that we are sending," said spokesman Dr. Budhendra Doobay.

"We are grateful, but we want more. We have to push for more."

Across Canada, donations continue to pour into relief agencies, with the Red Cross office in St. John's receiving some $20,000 on Wednesday alone.

Nationwide, the Red Cross has raised $7.2 million.

So far Canada's governments and official agencies:
Federal $40 mil
B.C. 8 Mil
Ontario 5 mil
Red Cross 7.2 Mil

Plus all the other Provinces and individuals.

Canada is putting debt payments on hold too, see here:

Yet I'm always hearing about the Americans whining [img]graemlins/blah.gif[/img] about how ungrateful everyone is for the breadcrumbs they throw out.

Considering the wealth the US possesses and spend on oil conquering activities this is a joke, just like the fact that they are anti-Keyoto and years behind on their funding commitments to the UN.
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