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Staff @ CAFz 02-10-2009 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by sudanberry (Post 457834)
All of you Gentlemen are all obviously way smarter than the literally 1000's of consumers who clog the tech support lines of Canadian Suppliers. We are constantly asked for missing parts, harnesses, manuals and the like. We are asked for firmware updates and install questions. We hear stories of people be charged after the fact ($100's) and horror stories galore. The sad thing is that we didn't make a cent on any of this product and cannot help them. Taxes and duties are going to be charged very soon by legislation. Technology is rapidly changing and one day you will probably need advice as well.
Consumers are getting shafted in droves because they do not have the knowledge that you guys do. In the end I know you will be is the other 99% that needs a hand.
If that 99% doesn't get that support... what then?

Not to ruin your momentum. A few years ago after a huge install I had a shop come and try to steal my car. I didn't see that in the store policy. An experience like that didn't want me to continue to use that shop or any shop....

Then again, I bought an orion amp once from a shop and when linear marketing had to repair it because it NEVER worked, it was deemed stolen.

Both instances happened from 2 different shops in Mississauga Ontario.

Then again, I suppose an eBay rep could always show up at my place and try to steal my car and of course, I could always purchase online from someone with poor feedback and get taken.

For the most part these days..I do agree, support your local shops. Shop around, ask online about their reputations and see who is using them. There is both good and bad in this market in the online industry and storefront.

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